Self-diagnosis of addiction is equivalent to an individual acknowledging to themselves that they have a problem with substances or behaviors.
This pivotal step and diagnosis are crucial for someone with addiction problems, as it serves as a precursor to acknowledging the need for change if they desire a better life.
"Unlike some traditional programs, Grasshopper Philosophy does not necessarily view all people with addiction problems as identical. Instead, it prefer a nuanced stance, and says that some people are addicted, and others are really addicted."
While self-diagnosis can take the form of questionnaires for self-assessment, it is equally valid for an individual to resonate with another person's description of their addiction problems or to intrinsically sense an addiction problem.
"Grasshopper extends an invitation to anyone with either a professional or self-diagnosis to engage in its program."
Grasshopper Philosophy is constructed to prevent negative connotations and self-perceptions of individuals regarding addiction, addiction problems, and recovery from addiction.
"The Grasshopper Philosophy teaches that seeing recovery from addiction as retribution for past actions and choices is unhelpful and should never be regarded as such. Instead, it should be embraced as an opportunity to improve and progress—a prospect that could benefit many individuals without addiction problems as well."
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